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Bramble 20” x 20” Paper, acrylic paint, concrete patch

Solid Rest

Solid Rest 60” x 36” Acrylic paint, Vinyl patching material, gold powder, paper on canvas

Stillness Within

Stillness Within • [sold *] 60” x 36” Acrylic paint, Vinyl patching material, gold powder, paper on canvas

Garden Gate 4

Garden Gate 4 20” x 20” Mixed media collage Paper, thread acrylic paint White floater frame

Garden Gate 3

Garden Gate 3 20” x 20” Mixed media collage Paper, thread acrylic paint White floater frame

Garden Gate 2

Garden Gate 2 20” x 20” Mixed media collage Paper, thread acrylic paint White floater frame

Garden Gate 1

Garden Gate 1 20” x 20” Mixed media collage Paper, thread acrylic paint White floater frame

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